Rhytidectomy (Facelift and Necklift)
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With facial aging, the skin and tissues lose volume and loosen on the face and neck. Crow’s feet around the eyes and forehead lines also appear and deepen. The jawline also becomes undefined and jowls begin to form and banding in the front of the neck occurs. All of these aging changes are due to a number of factors including genetics, tobacco use, and sun exposure.
The goal of face and neck lifting is to improve the overall facial appearance and obtain a youthful, but natural look. This procedure can be successful on patients from their thirties to eighties. A facelift cannot stop the aging process; however it can reverse some of the tell-tale signs of aging. Many patients also experience increased self-confidence as a result of the procedure.
Dr. Meier is an expert at facelifts and necklifts. He uses well-hidden incisions and the most advanced techniques including replacing the lost facial volume that occurs with age in order to obtain the best results. This is especially important around the eyes and in the cheek regions and can be completed with a fat transfer at the same time as the facelift. Dr. Meier recently published the landmark article on clinical fat transfer results that last.